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HA4903 Corgi   S-3A Viking - VS-31 Topcats, AG700, USS Independence, 1977 £
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  Hobby Master 1:72 Air Power Series HA4903: Lockheed S-3A Viking Diecast Model
USN VS-31 Topcats, AG700, USS Independence, 1977. RRP £105

Early in WWII Scouting Squadron 31 was formed and decommissioned in 1945. In 1948 it was re-established as VC-31 but in 1949 became the Atlantic Fleet's first VS Squadron when it was tasked to perform carrier-based anti-submarine warfare duties. With the new task came a new name, VS-31 (Anti-Submarine Squadron 31) "Topcats". In 1973 VS-31 moved their S-2 Trackers to Florida and in 1974 became the first VS deployed on USS Independence. In 1977 VS-31 would once again sail on USS Independence but now equipped with the S-3A Viking.

Designed to meet the US Navy's VSX requirement for an Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) aircraft to replace the S-2 Tracker, the S-3 was first flown on January 21st, 1972. Designed for long-endurance missions, the aircraft features a wide low-swept wing and under-wing mounted, high-bypass turbofan engines that produce a distinctively low-pitch sound, earning the plane the nickname "Hoover" (after the vacuum cleaner). After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the ASW role became less significant and the S-3 was increasingly used for surface warfare, surveilance and aerial refuelling missions before being retired from service in 2009.
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